Monday, March 1, 2021

Something Funny

The last time I put words to a page was a small timeline of my life and it was mostly on the serious side. This time I wanted to write something funny. Oh wait, I think I just did. I did it twice if you are counting. Go ahead, give the noggin a scratch, I’ll wait.

As I have grown older, I have learned to take some things in life less serious. Although, there can be some frustrating days for me due to having constant knee pain and walking with a crutch everywhere, I know this too shall pass. But the little day to day things that come across my desk are usually forgotten about as fast as they happen. So why bury oneself with more weight and stress than needed?

Since today is my birthday I thought I would treat myself to a nice breakfast I didn’t have to make. I ordered some deliciousness from Cracker Barrel. As I approached the restaurant for my Curbside Contactless Pick-Up, I noticed the parking lot was very empty. If you have eaten there you know it is always packed. When calling in to make them aware of my arrival, the woman told me their grill is not working and they could not make my order.

This news really frustrated me because I was ready for some good ‘ol biscuits and gravy. As I drove to my plan B food choice my frustration grew. I felt so entitled because it is my birthday, and I should be able to have what I want when I want it. The only thing I got was an elevated heart rate and stress in my chest. My next thought was, ‘you are an idiot’. Why put this on yourself? So, you didn’t get your first choice, you are still going to eat something prepared for you. All you must do is drive to the speaker, bark your order, and pull up to the window where your food is handed to you by an outstretched arm. You silly man.

Earlier this week I had an even more of a crazy incident. While working my new job selling dumpsters to businesses over the phone, I had somewhat of a meltdown. So much so, the girl I was selling to ended up praying for me. For some reason I began making little mistakes, one after the other. At some point I had to start over on her quotes while apologizing along the way.

Even though my customer was super patient and relaxed I was allowing every negative hit to take me further away. By the end of the call, it was one hour later (when my average calls are supposed to be seven and a half minutes). Then the next few words from her caught me completely off guard. She said, ‘I don’t know what your beliefs are, but do you mind if I prayed for you?’ I said, ‘yes please’ and as she began to say positive and uplifting words, I began to feel better.

Later that day I felt exhausted because I had spent so much energy beating myself up mentally and emotionally. Why do we do that? What does it gain? We should be our own biggest fan. Especially in a world that sometimes can only bring you down if you think about it too much. Instead of beating ourselves down we should build ourselves up. Because you are awesome.

So, I am going to start laughing when something negative comes my way. I am going to practice positive thinking. When a negative thought comes, I will just smile it away and remind myself of how good I am and what is great about me. I will take all those stupid hurtful thoughts and turn them into Something Funny.