Sunday, August 19, 2012

Decisions, Decisions

We face decisions every day. Most of them are so infinitely tiny we don’t recognize them. Whether it is which pair of underwear to put your legs through and slide up over your booty. Or it could be what will be your first meal of the day to what you will listen to on your way to work. Each and every day is filled with little steps that take a small decision in order to keep going.

Other decisions are quite larger, tougher and sometimes more scary to confront. Why are they this way? They are tougher because the results are more rewarding. These decisions actually receive our attention and a lot of it. I have found the more thought and attention given to a matter, the better the outcome and sweeter the reward. This is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. In a way I feel if we respect this particular decision, it will respect and bless us back.

When you are faced with a choice between two answers, you are operating on faith. Sometimes there are no reference points for what we need to accomplish because this is uncharted waters. So, the best we can do is line up the facts on either side and do the math. Ultimately we have to go with what feels right in our heart. Outside circumstances shouldn’t affect our thinking process.

The way I usually go about it is, I ask myself, ‘which way will help me grow as a person and what will make me happier?’ We deserve the best out of life. Personally, I am in the process of a major decision in my life. I am approaching it with the above question. At first, I thought about finances, my career, my friends and where my life is today. Although those are of great concern, I have to be able to go with which side of the coin that answers ‘Yes’.

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