Thursday, July 19, 2012

Why Batman is Awesome, The Movie Biz Part 2

Shall we keep chatting about movies? Alright, I'm glad you agree. Considering film making has been a passion of mine for about fifteen years now, there always has been a part of it in which I am not really fond of, the money side. I understand money is what makes most things in this world go around, but if I could make a movie for free then I wouldn't charge people to see it. Just like a painting in an art gallery, I would simply invite my closest friends and perfect strangers to view my masterpiece and enjoy it for the wonderful creation it is.

The newest and final installment of Christopher Nolan's version of the Batman series opens tomorrow and I am so excited to see it I will be doing what I normally don't. When a new movie comes out I usually wait until the next week to see it. In my older age I have grown tired of crowds and being packed into a theater like a can of tuna is not my idea of enjoying a piece of art. Luckily my schedule allows for me to go during the day so not only can I pay less for my ticket, sometimes I am the only one in the theater. It's like my very own private screening room. I can sit in the middle seat in whichever aisle I want, usually right above the center for best audio clarity. For those of you who are single, this is one of the best things to do by yourself. I love it.

Back to why Batman is so awesome. I've looked around on Fandango to find show times for the various theaters I usually attend and couldn't find any 3D showings of Batman. I wonder why that is. All the other comic book movies and every other action or kid related movie comes out with a regular 2D and 3D version. Why? Well, it's to increase our theater experience and value. It also raises the bar on the entertainment level. At least that's what they want you to believe. Do you really want to know the answer most people aren't willing to write or say? Wait a second; let me check my window to see if there are any black helicopters flying about. 

The coast is clear. The real reason 3D movies exist isn't to enhance anything but the bank accounts in Hollywood. Think about it. When was the last time what I call a 'real' movie was in 3D? Probably never. This is because these movies are meant to be seen for the story it tells. The only reason certain movies need the component of allowing you to feel the effect of objects flying at you is because that's all the movie has. There is no real story, nothing for your heart to grab onto. It is just upgraded eye candy at an extra five dollars or more a ticket. I sometimes feel sorry for those of you who have three or more children who all have to see the newest re-vomited version of Spiderman in 3D. But then again, I really don't because that's part of the joy of being a parent, haha!!

It really is that simple. The reason 'Avatar' broke box office records and even beat the all-time leader 'Titanic' was because of the 3D ticket price. Without it there would be no record. On an interesting note, did you know both movies were directed by the same man? Right now the two movies are separated by 'The Avengers' sitting in second place, also due to the increased ticket price. Another fun fact, to add the Batman being awesome argument, 'The Dark Knight' is ranked fourth WITHOUT 3D. That's more tickets sold than either of the two 3D movies, so take that!

Feel free to let me know what you think...


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